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279 lines
// //
// COMM.CPP -- source for common functions for MCOMM AsyncPort class for //
// Zortech C++, Turbo C++, Borland C++, Microsoft C++. //
// Compiler specific code: MK_FP, SPTR (true if NEAR data), farmalloc //
// //
// Mike Dumdei, 6 Holly Lane, Texarkana TX 75503 (c) 1989,1990 //
// //
#include "comm.hpp"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <dos.h>
#if defined(__TURBOC__)
#include <alloc.h>
#if (__TURBOC__ || __ZTC__)
#define FARMALLOC farmalloc
#define FARFREE farfree
#else // __MSC__
#include <malloc.h>
#define FARMALLOC _fmalloc
#define FARFREE _ffree
#if (__TINY__ || __SMALL__ || __MEDIUM__ || _M_I86TM || _M_I86SM || _M_I86MM)
#define SPTR 1
#ifndef MK_FP
static inline void far * MK_FP(unsigned int s, unsigned int o)
return (void far *)(((unsigned long)(s) << 16) | (unsigned long)(o));
// Default ring buffer size variables //
int AsyncPort::DefRxBufSz = 1024; // 1K receive buffer
int AsyncPort::DefTxBufSz = 1024; // 1K transmit buffer
int AsyncPort::DefMemType = 0; // default to NEAR, NZ to default to FAR
// Constructor - Simple //
// Presets port variables to 0 //
memset((void *)this, '\0', sizeof(AsyncPort));
// Constructor - Allocs ring buffers //
// Presets port variables to 0 //
// Allocates ring buffers //
AsyncPort::AsyncPort(int RxBufSz, int TxBufSz, int UseFarMem)
memset((void *)this, '\0', sizeof(AsyncPort));
AllocBuffers(RxBufSz, TxBufSz, UseFarMem);
// Destructor //
// If necessary, calls Close and //
// frees ring buffer memory. //
if (HdlrUsed != '\0') // true if port not closed yet
// Open Port - Detailed parameters //
// Initializes port for interrupt //
// driven operation. Allocates //
// default ring buffers if memory //
// has not already been allocated. //
// If Open fails default buffers //
// are automatically deallocated. //
// User defined buffers are not //
// automatically deallocated. //
int AsyncPort::Open(int ComBase, int IRQNbr, int InterruptVctr, char *Params)
int rval;
int defbuffers = 0;
if (!RingSeg && !RingOfst) // if ring buffers not allocated,
{ // use defaults
AllocBuffers(DefRxBufSz, DefTxBufSz, DefMemType);
defbuffers = 1;
// open the port
rval = async_open(this, ComBase, IRQNbr, InterruptVctr, Params);
if (rval != R_OK && defbuffers == 1) // if port open failed & default
FreeBuffers(); // buffers, free default buffers
return (rval); // return port open result
// Open Port - COM1/COM2 abbrev //
// Short method to open either COM1 //
// or COM2. Calls detailed Open //
// after selecting port address, //
// irq, and interrupt vector. //
int AsyncPort::Open(int ComN, char *Params)
int base, irq, vector;
if (ComN == COM1)
base = 0x3f8, irq = IRQ4, vector = VCTR4;
else if (ComN == COM2)
base = 0x2f8, irq = IRQ3, vector = VCTR3;
return R_NOPORT;
return (Open(base, irq, vector, Params));
// Close port - No parameters //
// Resets port to the state it was //
// in prior to being opened. Frees //
// ring buffer memory. //
int AsyncPort::Close()
int rval = async_close(this); // call low level function to close port
if (rval == R_OK) // free ring buffer memory if closed OK
return rval;
// Close port - Force DTR/RTS //
// Manipulates class variable that //
// 'remembers' initial port DTR or //
// RTS setting then calls normal //
// Close to close the port and free //
// ring buffer memory. //
int AsyncPort::Close(int DTR, int RTS)
if (DTR != 0) // if ZR, close with DTR in pre-open state
if (DTR > 0) // if > ZR, force DTR to remain high
OldMCR |= B_DTR;
OldMCR &= ~B_DTR; // if < ZR, force DTR to go low
if (RTS != 0) // if ZR, close with RTS in pre-open state
if (RTS > 0) // if > ZR, force RTS to remain high
OldMCR |= B_RTS;
OldMCR &= ~B_RTS; // if < ZR, force RTS to go low
return Close();
// Set XON/XOFF trip levels //
// Returns R_OK (0) if success, or //
// NZ if invalid parameters. The //
// Xon/Xoff 'Levels' are for bytes //
// free in the buffer, therefore, //
// the XoffLevel must be less than //
// the XonLevel. The Repeat level //
// is the number of bytes that will //
// be accepted after sending an //
// Xoff before sending a 2nd Xoff. //
int AsyncPort::XTrip(int XoffLevel, int XonLevel, int RepeatLevel)
if (XoffLevel >= XonLevel)
return (-1);
XoffTrip = XoffLevel;
XonTrip = XonLevel;
XTxRptInit = RepeatLevel;
return 0;
// Transmit a C style string //
// Returns bytes left available in //
// transmit ring buffer. //
int AsyncPort::Tx(char *String)
return (async_txblk(this, String, strlen(String)));
// AllocBuffers //
// Function to allocate ring buffer //
// memory. Returns 1 if success, //
// 0 if memory already allocated or //
// no memory available. //
int AsyncPort::AllocBuffers(int RxBufSz, int TxBufSz, int UseFarMem)
unsigned long memptr;
int memsize = RxBufSz + TxBufSz;
if (RingSeg || RingOfst)
return 0; // don't alloc if already allocated
#if SPTR ////////////////////////////////////
if (UseFarMem != 0)
{ // if ring buffers in FAR mem
memptr = (unsigned long)FARMALLOC(memsize);
Stat3 |= (char)B_FARBUFFER;
else // if ring buffers in NEAR mem
memptr = (unsigned long)(unsigned int)new char[memsize];
#else /////////////////////////////////////
memptr = (unsigned long)new char[memsize];
#endif ////////////////////////////////////